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Current Events

Be sure to check back frequently to see what events are happening now with your Senior College!

If You Build It, They MAY Come: Thrills and Chills in the Local Economic Development Efforts

This course begins with the famous “bathtub analogy” to explain local economic development, and then moves to a discussion of various incentive strategies that were popular in the past. Armed with that knowledge, we will look at a new set of community strategies that have emerged since “Field of Dreams” gave us the famous line, “If you build it, they will come.”  Join us for an entertaining and enlightening experience!

TED Visits AI

Have you ever used AI (Artificial Intelligence)?  Are you willing to, afraid to, or don’t even know what it is?  This session will utilize TED Talks to enlighten and entertain us with the current thinking about AI. (“TED is a non-profit that believes powerful ideas, powerfully presented, move us to feel something, to think differently, to take action” – TED) We will watch a TED Talk and then have a class discussion about the topic of the presentation. Come be a part of this interesting, exciting, maybe even a little scary time in our lives. 

Class size limited to 16.

Contact Us

P.O. Box 1556, Kearney, NE 68848
308-224-6432  •

© 2025 Senior College of Central Nebraska